Thursday, 26 June 2014

Filling your Time

So, once again I'm sitting in my (home) office, catching up on all the things I don't get time to do when I'm in contract.

My career, such as it is, is that of a 'Management Consultant'.  That means I get to go into businesses when they need some specialised resource, which is not immediately available internally, and hopefully I can hit the ground running and help to solve the problem (manage the project, sort out the politics, deliver something ..... or often just smack some heads together to get things done ...!).

What that means is that I work in blocks - for as little as three months at a time I am contracted to perform a specific task with a particular client.

The longest stretch I have completed with a single client was four and a half years (although they merged with another organisation during that period - and I was asked to cover several different roles within the organisation).

It is certainly an interesting way to earn  a living and has exposed me to a mad variety of industries, people ... and politics..!

Still, that results in time 'between contracts' when I get to do all the things that need doing.  The things that working-life often 'gets in the way of' when you're busy working.  Like producing this Blog for example..!  Or spending time with Julia and the kids (and our grandchild - Oskar the Cocker Spaniel ... more on him later!).

And it gets me thinking about the differences between my career and my Dad's.  His free time came mainly when he retired.  Golf, travel, relaxing, washing and waxing his beloved Mercedes.... (some things are definitely inherited..!).

So I looked back at some of Mum's doodles ... when she had time to herself.  I was always on at her about spending more time on her art.  Mainly the drawings were (and still are) done on letters to friends & family.

But she is wonderfully creative and produces a wide variety of artistic output.  I will dedicate a full Blog to the intricate Quilt work she has been doing for some years now - later.

Meanwhile, some doodles of Dad .....

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