On the 31st December, as the sun rose over the water in Camps Bay, Cape Town, marking the final day of 2014, something special was afoot.
It had been quite a year, all in all - we sold our flat in London (Battersea) and our home in Windsor. That took a while, as regular readers will know.
But it all came right in the end and we moved into our lovely new home in Ascot.
We had a few lovely holidays - caught up with old friends in Turkey and family & friends in South Africa and Switzerland (and Julia did some shopping in the US..!)
I completed a consultancy role at Thames Water and took a few weeks off ... then was asked back again to 'babysit' the role again for a few more months.
And that too came to an end just before Christmas ... just in time to spend some quality time decorating the new apartment and settling-in.
Julia was in and out of the UK on various business trips during the year, generating loads of dosh for her company and spreading her educational IT around the globe. She joined a group of Colleges & Higher Education academies as a Governor (on their Board of Governors).
She is also advising business leaders, government ministers and even royalty on how to use technology to improve education for children (especially girls). Not bad for a 'Northern Lass' ...!
My Mum flourished in 2014. It takes a while to get over losing a husband (especially when you've been married & together for over 50 years), but despite the trials & tribulations of family life, she had developed a whole new life last year.
Organising & decorating 'her' home was a seminal event and the newly recovered chairs were a triumph. All topped-off by her Christmas present - a lovely large painting of a fox, with a big silver frame, that now has pride of place in the lounge.
Not to mention the new-found 'career' volunteering for the Save the Children Charity. Twice a week she manages the shop selling donated clothes, jewellery, crockery, toys, books, CD's, etc. And massively increasing their turnover .... something to do with a skill in talking to customers! Dad would be so proud.
Daughter Lauren, an Account Director at a PR company, helped the business develop and grow new business with big brands like BMW.
There was even a trip to New York to develop an alcoholic drinks client. Not a lot of shopping though! And just before Christmas she accepted a new job - handling 'Consumer PR' for the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). I hear Wimbledon calling..! #prouddad
And she and Ryan celebrated their second wedding anniversary and even managed a cheeky two weeks in Croatia to catch-up on some sunshine...!
Son Joe's business is no longer 'new' ... he and his business partner have been building the company for over two years now and it is coming along nicely. Watch out Richard Branson - new kids are on the block..! And I'm looking forward to enjoying the fruits.....
Joe and his girlfriend Kate had moved into their new house in London and set about deconstructing it - and refurbishing the place into a snazzy little two-bedroom London 'pad' (those of you not familiar with the excruciating costs of London accommodation, or comparing to what could be purchased in South Africa, should adjust your mental image accordingly. No indoor swimming pool, for example).
Anyway, the house is now coming along in leaps & bounds and Kate's 'nest' is looking really cozy. We all visited them (and the two cats) on Boxing Day - for a lovely, relaxing Festive celebration. And then they were off for a two-week holiday to South Africa.
Which brings us back to Joseph and the beach at Camps Bay.
In any event, a short trip over some rocks and they settled down to watch the sun ... whereupon he produced a rather lovely ring (if I may say so) and popped the question ... and she said YES!
It is rare that I start a new year off with quite such a spring in my step, but this year we are all skipping. Joe is the son I would have chosen, if I could have .. and Kate is a beautiful young woman. A delicate soul and has already captured my heart - and those of all our family.
And a happy, healthy, prosperous and fun-filled New Year to you all.....!
Oh how wonderful! congratulations! Wishing you all a fabulous 2015 - It's going to be a good one, I can feel it in my bones!