Friday, 2 January 2015

Starting 2015 with a Bang..!

I have a bit of time on my hands .... as you can probably tell.

Anyway, it is the start of a new year and so i decided to revamp the Blog slightly.  Maybe reflect some of the energy I am detecting from friends and family .... everyone getting excited about what 2015 is going to bring!

So, with a slightly electric new look - and one of my Mum's positive drawings - I am looking forward to a fun, friendly, frantic & fantastic year.

I am told by those who have a really positive outlook on life and are always 'half-full' (rather than my usual 'just about in the middle' viewpoint), that this promises to be a really good year.  For myself and my family, I am pretty sure that will be the case - new jobs, engagement(s), new homes .... all looking good.

For the poor souls who have no option but to scratch their survival from the bomb-ravaged hell that is Syria, or the unfortunates who have to live a semi-life under the scourge that is ISIS, the millions in Africa, North Korea and numerous other repressive regimes .... I can only hope for them that their lives improve.

For those who suffer illness, my fellow cancer fighters, the aged and infirm - I'm right alongside you in your battle.  And, as the numerous fundraising challenges (who can forget 2014's 'ice bucket challenge'?) attest - so are millions of other people around the world. Don't give up guys.

And to all my poor friends & family in South Africa, who suffer the slings & arrows of incompetent leaders and have to battle without basic infrastructure like electricity, or any sort of half-decent postal service .... believe me, it could be a lot worse .... but our thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with you all!

So come on 2015 .... SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE GOT ...!

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