I have a bit of time on my hands .... as you can probably tell.
Anyway, it is the start of a new year and so i decided to revamp the Blog slightly. Maybe reflect some of the energy I am detecting from friends and family .... everyone getting excited about what 2015 is going to bring!
So, with a slightly electric new look - and one of my Mum's positive drawings - I am looking forward to a fun, friendly, frantic & fantastic year.
I am told by those who have a really positive outlook on life and are always 'half-full' (rather than my usual 'just about in the middle' viewpoint), that this promises to be a really good year. For myself and my family, I am pretty sure that will be the case - new jobs, engagement(s), new homes .... all looking good.
For the poor souls who have no option but to scratch their survival from the bomb-ravaged hell that is Syria, or the unfortunates who have to live a semi-life under the scourge that is ISIS, the millions in Africa, North Korea and numerous other repressive regimes .... I can only hope for them that their lives improve.
For those who suffer illness, my fellow cancer fighters, the aged and infirm - I'm right alongside you in your battle. And, as the numerous fundraising challenges (who can forget 2014's 'ice bucket challenge'?) attest - so are millions of other people around the world. Don't give up guys.
And to all my poor friends & family in South Africa, who suffer the slings & arrows of incompetent leaders and have to battle without basic infrastructure like electricity, or any sort of half-decent postal service .... believe me, it could be a lot worse .... but our thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with you all!
So come on 2015 .... SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE GOT ...!
LOVE IT! My cup is definitely half full :)